Click Set Permanent Link
It, they can also help users know where they are on our site. It is recommended when creating a friendly domain that it is best to add new content in the same domain. It is not recommended to use the second option because of the configuration in my question. No problem you can do the same search engine optimization. The first one is better. Permalinks in We want to show you the easiest way to make changes.To your permalinks. For this you have to perform the following steps s. We Phone Number List must keep the permalinks configured as shown in the image below. We recommend doing this as the first step when optimizing your site and before adding any type of content. The reason for doing this step in the first place is simply that we want ours to be clean meaning they only contain the keywords we had when we.
Created them. For this we need to activate this option before creating the page or blog post. Do you remember what would happen if we created the technology without being user friendly? Then we have to change it. Do you remember what would happen? If the answer is no we recommend you review how search engines work. Next class SEO Plugins Complete Course on Network Positioning Complete the.