Regardless of what business model you run
Try contacting buyers and asking what problems/issues are making them dissatisfied.Look for a middle ground that can help their problems, and your reputation can be improved .Believe it or not, the seller's reputation can often be a decision maker that buyers consider more even than the selling price of the product!– Don't Forget Branding( Learn more about branding in this article )Branding is something you have to do in business, .This means that you still have to do this on the e-commerce platform!e-commerce.MarketingIllustration by Gerd Altmann on PexelsUse the logo consistently in all product-relatedBelgium Mobile Number Listcontent, and also create a slogan that will be able to "speak" to the emotions of potential buyers.Slowly, this consistency will instill a positive brand image in the eyes of consumers, so that they will feel more confident in making transactions and buying your products.(Use Sribu's professional branding services if you need help with this)– “Promos/Discounts”Photo by Karolina GrabowskaNothing.
Attracts the attention of new consumers and delights loyal consumers more than promotional/discounted prices.Therefore, many sellers "manipulate" product prices in the hope of increasing sales.(The manipulation here is not a bad thing, more on that below)This strategy is most often seen on the largest e-commerce platforms such as Shopee & Tokopedia.First, they will list the product price higher than the normal price when uploading product information.Then, they will set a “discount” for the product so that the selling price (after the discount) becomes the normal price.