Distribution of sites by number
The first is good - all sites have Robots and Sitemap files, which are important for indexing. The second news is bad - % of sites have duplicate home pages. That is, there is a high probability that other site pages are duplicated, and this interferes with correct indexing. What to do: To avoid problems with indexing, make sure that the Robots and Sitemap files are always up to date and there are no duplicates on the site. Duplicates can be physically deleted or hidden from indexing in the above-mentioned files. An SEO specialist is responsible for this. Link massDistribution of sites by number of referring domains of Asia Mobile Number List referring domains More than half of the sites (%) are linked to up to domains. On average, resources link to one site and external links are provided. What to do: There are two rules in link building (increasing link mass): The more, the better: constantly increase your link mass. But do it gradually (start with link per week to begin with, after - weeks add links , etc. ); Give preference to high-quality resources - place external links on sites of your and related topics, well-known, visited
portals that are trusted by search engines and users. Tag optimization Statistics on optimization of Title and Descripton tags on the main pages of online pharmacy websites and health product stores Statistics on optimization of Title and Descripton tags on home pages Title and Description tags, the most important for SEO, are read by Yandex and Google. Their text is taken into account when ranking, and they are also displayed in snippets (search engine results).