I understand that giving up the reins can be difficult and equally exciting, but trust me: EGC has many positive consequences for your organization. For starters, employees gain more influence when into its communication strategy. And people want that more and more. If you look at the development of our buying behaviour, you can already see this trend. People, especially in B2B environments, have an increasing need for a 'rep-free experience' . So they buy products without the intervention of a representative or seller and thus keep most of the control to themselves.
More responsibility for employees You can now also translate this need into internal communication. I already described it in trend 3: people like to influence the way in which they take in information. Companies that use EGC give their employees even more control photo editor and responsibility. For example, employees are then partially responsible for creating content with which they transfer additional knowledge to their colleagues. Someone with a lot of knowledge or expertise in, for example, cybersecurity, could create content about cybersecurity.
With this, the person can help to increase the awareness of his or her colleagues. After all, why would you go and find out for yourself if you can also use the knowledge of your colleagues? The deployment of EGC is a win-win in this situation. The knowledge of your colleagues will be expanded, and the colleague who is allowed to share his knowledge will feel appreciated. Moreover, communication consultants in your organization do not have to master subjects that they may not have eaten much of. Increase connection.